We're a group of friends working on small projects for fun and glory. Please enjoy your visit and take a look at our growing project list.
This website itself is a growing project as well started in mid 2020 we will be continuing to update with what we have been working on, please bear with us as we make further updates
A simple extension for quick and easy URL appends and replacements with a click of a button or a tap of a shortcut.
An extention for quckly grabbing the tab title, URLs and a snapshot of the page
See Some of our Great Devs and the projects they are working on.
A Front-End Developer who enjoys building for fun and convinience, known for building tools and minigames to make tasks easier and fun. With over 5 years of combined Technical experience Anthony shows his expertise, joy for learning new things, and willingess to try creative solutions. If you wish to check out his projects please check out his Github, or contact him on LinkedIn or Twitter.
Our UX, and Business expert, has a knack for seeing things that are often missed. John's expertise lies with customer experience and reaching out to users to help them find what they are searching for, whether in person or subtly through design. If you would like to learn more about John's experiences and project work check out his LinkedIn and GitHub below.
A talented hardworking developer, Sébastien always puts his best foot forward in a project and often pushes us to new heights. Always looking for new challenges to expand his experience with both client facing and internal, he works towards the best solution and ensures the best product releases. If you would like to know more about Sébastien please check out his LinkedIn and Github below.